We all define success differently. We can assess it through BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals), SBAGs (Stretching But Achievable Goals), SMART (Speciific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) objectives, roadmaps, timelines, sprints and a multitude of other measurement tools. These all have their place, however how often […]
Category: Leadership and Mentorship
Beware the tyranny of the urgent
As a leader, it can be hard to get the right balance of leadership, planning and doing “stuff”. Sometimes a lack of planning (on our part, or the part of others) can result in an “urgent” response or action being “required”. One of the speakers […]
Preparedness is the key to opportunity
What does your ideal life look like? What do you need in place to get to that point? What action could you take today to get closer to it? Who can help you to get there? If the right opportunity came up, are you prepared […]
Lessons and Tests
In traditional / formal education we’re taken through a number of lessons and subsequently tested on our knowledge. When we pass specific tests we may receive a certification in a specific field. We’re all familiar with this, right? Then we step out into the real world and […]
Leaders are developed
You may have heard the term “they’re a born leader”. While I don’t argue that some people have a natural inclination or personality type which is more suited to leadership, in my opinion that isn’t the only qualification criteria to call someone a “leader”. Leadership […]
Success is a constant storm
On the road to success, regardless of whether it be business, parenting, relationships, or anything else, it can often feel turbulent. That’s because at any given time we’re going into, going through or coming out of one of life’s many storms. These storms test our resilience, they […]
Chasing New Levels in Life – How to Bring Your Vision and Goals into Existence
2020 began with a bang; a fresh decade and what many were calling a Year of Vision. People made grand resolutions for the year, and then life happened. In January, I challenged you with a big question, and now in the one of the bleakest […]
Vision and New Year’s Resolutions in 2020
How are you planning on bringing your Vision and New Year’s resolutions into existence? One week into the New Year and feel like I’m geared up for my best year yet. This evening one of my mentors challenged me to hold on to my big dreams long […]