We are fortunate to be blessed with three young children who are a core focus in our lives. As parents, our hope for our children and subsequent generations is that they stand on our shoulders to see further and reach greater heights than us in life. We feel this is the best way to honour those who have gone before us and our own parents.
We are, however, acutely aware of how easily we can fall into the trap of automatically defaulting to our own upbringing and childhood experiences, as a means of informing our own parenting strategies. Raising identical twins has taught us that even when nurtured simultaneously in the same environment, every individual is unique, experiences life differently and responds to it in their own unique way. There is no one size fits all to parenting. For this reason we continually look for ways to grow our knowledge and skills as parents to our dynamic trio. Furthermore, we have seen so much value in the success principles, habits and daily practices we have been discovering and applying in our own lives, that we have chosen to teach them to our children. This has seen a marked improvement in their demeanour, emotional resilience, mindset, sense of self worth and confidence. As children often adopt their values from what they see, we are conscious to let our foundation of faith inform our actions. This in turn has led us to our family pillars of Strength, Unity, Excellence and Servitude.
With the additional demands of raising a family, juggling all the balls of life simultaneously has presented as a constant challenge for us. We must admit, however, that up until recently we felt like we were generally doing well at allocating our time in alignment with the things we valued most. We were therefore very confronted when we realised that by spending the greater part of our day chasing a living, as a society, we often fail to live life with the fullness and abundance we are created for. When we reflected further, this was also mirrored in the way we made choices for our family.
Early in our parenting journey, we came to realise children spell the word love as T-I-M-E. Recognising the importance of the first three years on childhood development, our aim was initially to provide the best possible start to life by having a full time parent on scene to raise them during this period of time. What we quickly realised, however, is that children’s needs don’t actually diminish after this point. Furthermore, in order to give them the gift of our time, we would have to find a way to gain full control of our calendar if we had any hope of becoming full-time parents.
As a result, we have become very intentional about allocating our spare time for a short season in our lives in order to increase our time and resources to give our family more options in life. What we are most excited about as we embark on this journey, is the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, by helping others along the way create a better life for themselves, so they might experience the freedom, joy and peace which comes from living in accordance with their own values.

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